"Dear Brittney,
Thank you for your recent enquiry and for thinking of us for your assignment. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to participate in surveys or ongoing communication with people in the field due to time limitations.
However, you can find detailed information about our work in the UK and internationally on our websites, including many interviews with Unicef staff from around the world.
Visit www.unicef.org and www. unicef.org.uk.
For academic studies our Unicef Publications Page may be of particular relevance and use. Sharing our knowledge and resources with the public through the internet is the most efficient way of directing our limited resources towards our work for children worldwide.
I wish you the best of luck with your research and every success in your studies. Thank you for your interest in our work.
Yours sincerely,
Frances Bernhardt
Supporter Care Advisor"
I completely understood her position I do wish I got a chance to communicate more with them but the information she provided to me I will look into more as well as check out some of the podcasts to gain more information for my own education and references. I had my heart set on speaking with an actual person through email and that did not go as planned, but I will not give up I will continue to reach out and find different resources to help aid me to better understanding different aspects of Early Childhood education and what we are learning in this course.
What I have learned in regards to poverty by visiting the website www.unicef.org.uk is that one of their main goals is to help children and families that are affected by hunger and malnutrition. "Unicef provides 80% of the world’s life-saving emergency food." (www. unicef.org.uk.) Unicef helps mothers and communities keep their children well nourished, they do this by treating the child in the first 1,000 days of being born which helps to aid in their health as they grow and as we all know first years of life for a child is very crucial.
"A child dies every 15 seconds as a result of malnutrition. Millions more live with the lifetime effects - physical disabilities and learning difficulties." ( www. unicef.org.uk.) To help to prevent this from happening unicef helps to provide solutions and also accepts donations to help aid in fighting poverty in children and families.