5 people who nurtured and cared about me as a child:
Mom- My mother is my rock, she is the one who birthed me and has definitely aided in my growth. She always made sure I was in activities and explored my creativity and she did what she had to do for my brothers, sisters and I too make sure we had a positive upbringing. She would always tell me how smart and beautiful I am and always pushed me to follow whatever it is I wanted to do. She still to this day encourages me and tells me how proud of me she is and she continues to support me throughout everything. She has always told me if I need to talk to her about anything she will listen and has been my best friend since birth. She made sure I knew about certain things in life and is still here for me to offer advice and help me because I still need my mom no matter how old I get. She makes me want to push forward in my dreams because she has believed in me so much and still does.

Dad- My dad has always been in my life from birth. He has always taught me the importance of getting an education because that is something he wished he further pursued. When I was young he made sure I was surrounded by the right people and always took and extra care in my schooling and grades as well as activities. My dad would always spread his wisdom of how lucky me and my siblings are because he didn't have half the stuff we have access to because he grew up in Mississippi. My dad continues to support me in my dreams and always tells me to never give up an to push forward. He makes me feel like I can be on top of the world and to go after it all the sky is the limit and that is what I continue to do.

Grandma- My grandmother Helen was very special to me growing up. She would always take and interest in what I liked to do and when I would spend time with her on the weekends she would do those things with me like go to the park. I liked reading, and cooking. She is the one who taught me how to cook along with my mother. She told me that education is important and not to get mixed up or be around people who are not any good. She continues to take an interest in my life and encourages me on everything. She is really supportive of me and talks to me about life and her experiences. I love her for always being their and being a backbone to my family,

Grandpa- My grandpa is the sweetest and most supportive. He is a very hard worker and would always tell me and my brothers how important it is to work hard. When I was younger he would tell me that I am going to be a star and I will go far in life. He believed in me and still believes in me that much and tells me every time I talk to him on the phone to keep pushing for what I want. He really motivates me to keep going and believe in myself and not to let anything stop me.
My oldest sister- She has been more like a second mom to me, I remember when I was younger she would always help to pay for things for me and my brothers. Things like school activities and field trips and anything that would help us. She offered advice on me in my early childhood field and has been an influence to that. She also would help me to plan out my goals and dreams to go after them. She has always encouraged and been there for me and says if I need someone to talk to I can come to her about it.