The Cat in the Hat happens to be one of my all time favorite children's books. As a child I had and read all of the Dr. Suess books but this was my favorite out of all of them. I love this book because It tells a story like most of Dr. Suess books. A fun an interesting story I was also love the riddle and rhyming that the book has, it was very easily understood and very entertaining to read along with the pictures. I will definitely have the Dr. Suess books for my own children because of how entertaining it was for me as a kid and I believe every child should read these books.
I love Dr. Seuss's books too! The repetitive language and use of rhyme is a great way to develop early literacy skills. Plus they are just fun and silly which helps to keep a young child's attention.
Dr. Seuss books are timeless!! I have many of his books from my childhood and do not plan to get rid of them. Dr. Seuss separated himself from other authors and created his own lane by creating his own rhyming words. Brittney, entertaining it was and still is, that big red and white hat no one can forget.