- “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” -Mr. Rogers
- “We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.” -Charles Schaefer
These Pictures Represent the essential items I remember when I was a child and I would play.

When I was a child Play was simply going outside with friends or inviting friends over to play barbies or make up our own games to play. My parents definitely encouraged play with me and my brothers and sisters. They didn't want us sitting inside to watch television my mom always said we should be out exploring even though I could not leave the "block"or go across the street without permission. We had to explore in our own boundaries and I grew up on a street with a lot of kids and everyone played together. We would all meet up at someones porch and take it from their whether we played hide and seek or the girls would play barbies and the boys would wrestle or play with action figures. My childhood was a lot of fun because for most of my play I got to use my imagination and learn from the other kids around me.
Play today is definitely different from when I was a child. Technology has taken over today and kids don't go outside to play anymore with other kids. There are ipads, and cell phones that children are so fascinated with today. When I was a kid it was fun and we didn't have that at all I didn't get my first cell phone until I got to high school and kids today have them at 5 years old. The imagination kids from my generation had was so different because we had to actually use only ourselves, but it never got boring for one second. My hope for children today and for my own children in the future is for them to be allowed to play more without technology and television interfering so much. I had an amazing childhood and I am grateful for the many things I got to learn just by playing.
Play for me allowed me to be creative and It made me realize just how creative I am. I enjoyed playing pretend and being someone I am not. It was fun to be in another world and that is partly why I have a passion for acting, when I was a child playing pretend allowed for me to be anyone I wanted and to make up scenarios and It was fun for me and easy for me I feel like every child should have that kind of experience because they can learn so much and discover new things for themselves and that is an amazing feeling.
Brittney--I'm with you in not getting a cell phone until I was older. I got mine when I was in college. And isn't it amazing how kids are now days walking around with their phones? The technology of the times is crazy. My son is only 6 years old in the 1st grade and he drives me batty with the "I'm bored, I want an IPAD or an XBOX" comment! We live in a small town and he can go outside and play to his little heart's desire, but would rather sit in front of a screen. So unfortunate that times have come to that! It's unfortunate for my son in the fact that my husband and I aren't giving into his boredom!!--Ha Ha. Kids just have no idea what they are missing out on by sitting inside!
ReplyDeleteI agree is this time and age play has changed a lot, but it all depends on the parents and their parenting styles. You can have families who have children who play but also use the technology side as well, it just has to be a balance.I remember the boys playing football in the streets, girls sometimes played and raced the boys these were the good days that you do not see because as children get older they stop playing and sit and play video games.
ReplyDeleteI agree is this time and age play has changed a lot, but it all depends on the parents and their parenting styles. You can have families who have children who play but also use the technology side as well, it just has to be a balance.I remember the boys playing football in the streets, girls sometimes played and raced the boys these were the good days that you do not see because as children get older they stop playing and sit and play video games.
I loved to play outside when I was a child and I still do--which is why I insist that children go out for a minute or two when it's cold (as long as it's not below freezing at 32 degrees and the children are properly dressed--we have clean extra's, just in case). Even in the snow or light rain--we walk outside just to put a hand out and experience what it feels like and if the children want to play in it for another minute or two, we are delighted. We also, make it a priority to always remind our parents that the children need to be dressed for the weather as they will be going outside everyday.... and the extra plus is that they sleep better at naptime so the teachers can get their anecdotals done. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed your post.