One section of the site that I went through thoroughly was the public policy section. We have been studying and learning about public policy in early childhood education and I thought I'd like to learn more about the site and Thor take on it. Their mission is to promote good health, strong families and positive learning experiences in families and children's lives. This section provides many resources that helped to promote public policy but also gave information regarding children and families that helped shape public policies and gave a better idea of the demographics. There are downloadable guides to infant and toddlers and how to assess children and resources for head-start etc.
The site definitely adds to my understanding of equity and excellence in early childhood education. Reading through the policies and the different programs that are offered helped me to understand what exactly is needed to improve the equity in early childhood and what was lacking. There are so many different areas that have to be focused on in early childhood for improvement but all have some sort of progression.
This week I got a clear understanding of just how important public policy is and how implementing the correct public policy can affect children in many ways. I also gathered many resources in the site that led to the challenges faced in children in their early years and specific things to target to help their growth and development. This website covered many avenues and I cannot wait to explore and learn more that I can take with me on my journey.
I personally think that there should be a celebration for each and every single child's life. I absolutely agre with you on the fact that health is very important maybe just as important as obtainingan education and a good quality care within the educational feild.I am very pleased to see hiow there has been a tremendous improvement in the quality care in the educational feild as well as the positive improvement of the education of the educational professionals and the quality that they are now using to improve on the matter of the kind of educational environment. What are you personal imput on the quality type work that is now being invested within the early childhood education in today's society? Are you now within the educational feild as a professional educator? if so what have you now take from what you have lerned so far within this course withi your professional feild? I thank you for sharing the informationa that you have explored.
Michelle Millwood
my blog link is
ReplyDeleteI think it's amazing that you now have a better understanding for equity and excellence in care and education. During my discussion post I actually wrote how when we have the knowledge we need in regards to equity and excellence in care and education, other issues are much more easy to handle. I actually believe that some will not even surface if we start off doing whats right. Knowing that children and their families both matter can and will make huge difference.
Best of luck to you!