Sunday, June 5, 2016

Research around the world

The website that I chose to explore is

"EECERA is an independent, self-governing, international association which promotes and disseminates multi-disciplinary research on early childhood and its applications to policy and practice" 

They support cross national collaborations and themed publications through special interest groups. They provide a great forum for policy makers, scholars, researchers etc.

One surprising thing I learned about the site is that they largely support researchers in Europe. They have a lot of support groups and behemoths to the researchers and policy makers. 

One noteworthy thing about the site is the EECERA is one of the most prestigious Journals in the world. It is only one of 4 early years journals indexed by the institute for scientific information.

I definitely did learn great things from the site as far as research and their journal and how much support and effort is put into the Europeans research. It is great to read in it and compare and see similarities and differences from the ones in the United States.

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