Sunday, August 14, 2016

Welcoming families from around the world...

I just got word that there will be a new student arriving and being placed in my school age classroom. She is from Germany her an her family,  German is her native language but she knows some english and her and her family have only been in the united states for a month now, so she does not know much about america.

There are a few ways that I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive to the child and the family:

1.) First I will be sure to be open and listen to the family and ask questions I may have being careful to rid myself of my own biases I may have.

2.) Learn the family dynamics and respect that within the family and incorporate it in how I deal with the family.

3.) Instill in the child to always stay true to their native culture all while learning a new one, making them feel comfortable with both.

4.) Offer advice care and attention to specific things that may not be familiar to the family and child.

5.) Learn as much as I can about the culture so that I myslelf am educated and going the extra mile to welcome a new family and culture into a new environment.

With these preparations, this will be a great start to learning from the family also making them feel a lot more comfortable and hopefully being able to trust and confide in me.  I want them to be able to come to me and not be afraid to ask me anything or talk to me about problems they may need help with.  I could learn a lot from them, and about a whole new culture and they could gain so much knowledge from me on my own culture and the united states as a whole.

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